Charity Work


Donating to Evangelisches Kinderheim Sonnenhof e.V. Berlin Spandau:

Evangelisches Kinderheim Sonnerhof was founded in 1894 by Alexander Spengler, a pastor of the Lutheran community, who supported distressed children and their parents. In 1906 he opened a children´s home: the Sonnenhof in Berlin-Spandau. Frau Becker, Managing Director and Head of the Children´s Home, thankfully accepted the Lodge´s donation.


Helping Renovate Bahnhofs Mission Kitchen:

Bahnhofsmission care for more than 2,000,000 people every year. This is done free of charge and without having to meet certain requirements beforehand and usually without a need to register. The station missions are institutions of the Evangelical and Catholic Churches making the Bahnhofsmission feel more like a living church at the train station. Bahnhofsmission were thankful to receive donations as well as labour from the Lodge towards renovating their kitchen and washing area.